The atmosphere is buzzing at the Academy; buzzing with the feeling of a hope and a future. Something that God promised us in Jeremiah 29:11! A part of that plan that God has put in the heart of most of these Urban Promise Academy teens is the hope of post-secondary education. The hope of actually having various options upon graduating high school. The hope of being pioneers in their families, who go on to college or trade schools and create other open doors for themselves. Last month, our eleventh grade students got the experience of seeing a small part of what getting ready for college looks like through the practice SAT (PSAT). As they waited for weeks in anticipation of their performance scores, they willingly and excitedly explored different post-high school options. All of this excitement was brought on by the chance to take part in the PSAT test.
These students do not take this chance for granted, because what is free at any public school, sometimes costs money for them to take going to a private Christian school. Our hope is that all of our students would be able to have this exciting experience of getting ready for the future through one of these tests (SAT, ACT, PSAT, PSSS)
We also are creating an avenue where our college bound students would be able to get first-hand experience at college life while getting a credit through Delaware Technical Community College. We have at least one student who will be attending the college for a class this Spring semester.
Below are various ways in which you can help sponsor HOPE and different testing options which will be available during the school year but require financial sponsors for our students to take.
* PSSS Sponsor – $20 each for 5 students to take this standardized pre-PSAT test
* ACT Sponsor – $49.50 each for 4 students to take this college placement test
* SAT Sponsor – $49.00 each for 4 students to take this placement test
* DelTech course sponsor – $175.00 – for at least one student to take a credit class at DelTech this spring
* Reading assessment – $120.00 for all 6 six students to take a standardized reading assessment