- Blog, UrbanPromise Academy

Growing Trust at the Academy

During a recent Bible study at the Academy, we were talking about intimacy and trust in our personal relationships and with God. When asked who they trust, one student said that he trusted everyone at the Academy. After a brief pause, he noted that he hadn’t felt that same trust at his previous high schools.

As he made the comment, I had a flashback that of student at the beginning of the year. This was the same student who had to keep his possessions on his person and was convinced that others would steal or destroy what was his. He also was hesitant to trust me when I asked a volunteer to assist him during English class. Six months later, his reading comprehension has increased tremendously with the help of the volunteer, and he is able to feel peaceful wherever his belongings are. His trust and faith in the Academy community has allowed him to become someone who freely shares what is his and deeply cares for fellow students’ well being.

At the Academy, we aim to model the Kingdom of God. By consistently loving, respecting, and acting with integrity towards our students, we hope that they experience a taste of God’s character, and that it changes them in ways that only the love of Christ can. This student’s new-found trust encourages me to be ever faithful to God’s plans for the Academy at Urban Promise Wilmington.

By:  Barbara Duszak, Urban Promise Academy Teacher
Photo:  Honor Roll Dinner

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