2016 UPW Basketball Tournament Information

2016 UPW 3on3 Tournament Information

The Divisions:
*All ages are Co-Ed (boys and girls play together)
*ages 8-10, ages 11-12, ages 13-14,ages 15-18
*19 year old participants will be eligible if you graduated in 2016
*The age divisions are subject to change and may be cancelled if there are not enough teams or individuals registered. Please register at 3on3 or type 3on3 in the search bar at urbanpromise.wpengine.com.
*School or picture I.D., birth certificate, copy of report card or some other form of I.D. must be shown to verify age.  Anyone with out proof of age will not play.

What If you do not have a team:
*everyone under 12 years old will be place on a team
*the only age division that will be picking there on teams are 13-14 and 15-18
*If you are 13 – 18 years and don’t have a team call tournament director Luke Orr or become a team captain

What makes up a Team:
*4 players per team
*Four player is recommended because of injury and fatigue
*Players can only play on one team.
*Teams must use same players for all games. (7:30am – 1:00pm)

Who Can Play:
*Young Men and Women from ages 8-18

*$5 per player under 12 years old
*$20 per player ages 13 – 18 years old (All 13 – 18 year old will receive a team jersey for game play)

Tournament Style:
*Teams will play a double elimination tournament
*Teams are guaranteed two games
*Each team will be assigned a coach for the tournament
*All games will be refereed to uphold strict tournament rules
*Any disrespect will be cause for non-refundable suspension

*First place teams will be awarded a UrbanPromise Wilmington Sports Program T-Shirt and Medal

3 Point Contest:
*All participants will have an opportunity to compete
*There will be three age divisions and a girls division
*Winners will be awarded during awards ceremony at 1:00pm
*Participants will have one-minute to make as many 3 pointers as possible
*Participants must provide their own rebounder
*If a participant’s foot is on the line, the shot will not count—except for the tiebreaker

How to Register:
*Go online at urbanpromise.wpengine.com/3on3
*As soon as you register Tournament Staff will be picking teams
*No late registration

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