- After School Program, Featured

Casting Vision of College


“This is a trip you earned, you worked hard for, and you deserve to be here” one of our StreetLeaders said, as they spoke with a discouraged 4th grader.  While on the campus tour (cleverly disguised as a scavenger hunt), the student had fallen to the back of the pack of 7 Camp Freedom kids.  How could he ask all of his important questions of Jake, our college student tour guide?



After the words of encouragement during a bathroom/water break, he was quick to line up, and be right beside Jake.  He asked Jake about his major (chemical engineering), what his dorm room was like, and how much homework he gets.  Jake took time and answered all his questions.


46 kids from after school program explored all of UD’s campus, ate in the dining halls, ice skated, and learned about all the different types of classes they could possibly take!

One 6th grader, having been on the trip before, pointed at a pic of a UD basketball player at Grottos…  “You see him?  That’s going to be me in 7 years… only with the #4.”

Thanks to all who supported this trip and helped give our kids a vision for college and future possibilities.



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