Paddle, Paddle, Paddle! That’s what I’ll be doing on July 8th and 9th from Trenton, NJ to Wilmington, DE! And I couldn’t be more excited than I am, because I love to kayak and I love the water, but more importantly I love Urban Promise. And I’m trying to raise $2,500 for them while I paddle, paddle, paddle!
I first encountered the Promise last summer when I moved to Wilmington. I spent several hours with members of the UP team, including an extended conversation with Rob Prestowitz. What I discovered through these conversations was that Urban Promise was dramatically impacting the lives of children and families in the city’s most marginalized neighborhoods. And I discovered that they were doing this through living in these neighborhoods. In addition to that, UP is dramatically impacting children and families through their Street Leader Program, which employs the youth of these neighborhoods and teaches them leadership and communication skills and character. Currently, Urban Promise is the #1 employer of youth in the city and that’s something to get excited about! For me, it’s something to paddle for! And I hope that you’ll show your support for me and for the Promise by clicking the donate button below. You can donate any amount to show your support. Help me reach my goal of $2,500!